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All assertions related to the Sequoia project.

329 Assertions in Scope

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ACPACP-001The Attribute Value must be a child element PatientId in the urn:hl7-org:v3 namespace, with root and extension attributes.
ACPACP-002When specified, only one patient ID may be given in a single policy document, and it must appear as a descendent of <Target> element that is a direct child of the root <Policy> element.
ACPACP-003The Home Community ID must be an Object Identifier (OID), using the urn format (that is, urn:oid: appended with the OID).
ACPACP-004Document Class must be a Document Class code defined in the NHIN document metadata specifications. These are LOINC codes
ACPACP-005The User ID must be specified as either an e-mail address (rfc822Name) or an X500 name (x500Name)
ACPACP-006One of authorPerson or authorInstitution elements should be used to provide information about the author of the Access Consent Policy
ACPACP-007classCode must use the LOINC code 57017-6to represent Access Consent Policy. The description for this code is Privacy Policy.
ACPACP-008The value of the eventCodeList is an OID, which must be prefixed with urn:oid:. Since OIDs do not have a coding scheme, use the value N/A in the coding scheme slot
ACPACP-009 Lack of serviceStartTime/serviceStopTime must be interpreted as meaning that the policy is not time limited
ACPACP-010typeCode must use the LOINC code 57017-6 to represent Access Consent Policy. The description for this code is Privacy Policy.
AUTHAUTH-001All inter-node requests on the NHIN must utilize the Authorization Framework.
AUTHAUTH-002The initiating NHIO is required to and is responsible for the authentication and authorization of its users.
AUTHAUTH-003The initiating NHIO must include all REQUIRED attributes in each request.
AUTHAUTH-004SAML:Assertion is required within the <Security> element of the SOAP header.
AUTHAUTH-005SAML:Assertion/@Version attribute is required in the <Security> element of the SOAP header.
AUTHAUTH-006SAML:Assertion/@ID attribute is required in the <Security> element of the SOAP header.
AUTHAUTH-007SAML:Assertion/@IssueInstant attribute is required in the <Security> element of the SOAP header.
AUTHAUTH-008SAML:Assertion/Issuer element is required in the <Security> element of the SOAP header.
AUTHAUTH-009SAML:Assertion/Subject element is required in the <Security> element of the SOAP header.
AUTHAUTH-010SAML:Assertion/AuthnStatement element is required in the <Security> element of the SOAP header.