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This scope gathers the assertions for Analyzer and Analyzer Manager actors of the LAW (Laboratory Analytical Workflow) integration profile

60 Assertions in Scope

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LAB27LAB27-001After the Analyzer working in query mode recognizes one or more specimens, the Analyzer sends a WOS Query Message (QBP^Q11^QBP_Q11) for each specimen to the Analyzer Manager.
LAB27LAB27-002The Analyzer Manager shall reply with the response message (RSP^K11^RSP_K11) containing the acknowledgement of specimen query.
LAB27LAB27-003The Analyzer Manager shall then respond with a LAB-28 AWOS Broadcast containing the work for the specimen.
LAB27LAB27-004If the Analyzer Manager has no work for that specimen, it shall send a Negative Query Response by setting ORC-1 to DC in a LAB-28 AWOS Broadcast message.
LAB27LAB27-005An analyzer supporting the "Query All" Option SHALL be capable of sending a query for all pending work by using the query name WOS_ALL in field QPD-1. The only fields populated in the QPD segment SHALL be QPD-1 and QPD-2.
LAB27LAB27-006An analyzer supporting the "Query by Rack" Option SHALL be capable of sending a query identifying the position of the specimen in the rack (carrier). The only fields populated in the QPD segment SHALL be QPD-1 and QPD-2, QPD-4, QPD-5 and QPD-8. The first four are Mandatory, the latter is Required if Available. QPD-4 identifies the rack and QPD-5 is the position in the rack
LAB27LAB27-007An analyzer supporting the "Query by Tray" Option SHALL be capable of sending a query identifying the position of the specimen in the tray. The only fields populated in the QPD segment SHALL be QPD-1 and QPD-2, QPD-6, QPD-7 and QPD-8. The first four are Mandatory, the latter is Required if Available. QPD-6 identifies the tray and QPD-7 is the position in the tray
LAB27LAB27-008An analyzer supporting the "Query by Isolate" Option SHALL be capable of sending a query identifying an isolate within the primary (parent) specimen. The only fields populated in the QPD segment SHALL be QPD-1 and QPD-2, QPD-3, and QPD-9. All four are Mandatory. QPD-3 identifies the isolate and QPD-9 identifies the primary specimen from which the microorganism was isolated.
LAB27LAB27-009An analyzer supporting the "Bi-directional Communication" Option SHALL be capable of sending a query identifying the container. The only fields populated in the QPD segment SHALL be QPD-1, QPD-2, and QPD-3 (see Table X.5.1).
LAB28LAB28-001To indicate there is no work to perform (Negative Query Response) for a LAB-27 Query for AWOS, only the MSH, SPM, SAC, and ORC segments SHALL be sent.
LAB28LAB28-002To send an AWOS, the Analyzer Manager SHALL use a OML^O33^OML_O33 message compliant wih table 3.R.5.2-1.
LAB28LAB28-003The Analyzer SHALL respond to the AWOS Broadcast message with an ORL^O24^ORL_O42 message compliant with table 3.R.5.2-2.
LAB28LAB28-004If the OML message contains the Order Control Code NW, as part of the ORL^O34 response, the Analyzer SHALL transmit either Notification of request accepted or Unable to accept order/service for each AWOS contained in the OML message.
LAB28LAB28-005If the OML message contains the Order Control Code CA, as part of the ORL^O34 response, the Analyzer SHALL transmit either Cancel as requested or Unable to cancel for each AWOS contained in the OML message.
LAB28LAB28-006If the Analyzer Manager retransmits an AWOS or reuses an AWOS ID, the Analyzer SHALL reject the AWOS request by responding with Unable to accept order/service.
LAB28LAB28-007When the OML^O33 is sent in response to a LAB-27 Query for AWOS for a single specimen, it SHALL only contain the AWOSs or Negative Query Response related to that specimen.
LAB28LAB28-008A Negative Query Response for an unrecognized specimen is considered an unexpected situation, the Analyzer SHALL respond with an Application Acknowledgement: Reject in the ORL^O34 by setting MSA-1 to AR and reporting the appropriate specimen container values in the ERR segment.
LAB28LAB28-009In response to a negative query response, the Analyzer shall send an ORL^OO34^ORL_O42 message containing only the MSH and MSA segments.
LAB29LAB29-001The Analyzer SHALL notify the Analyzer Manager of the test results using the OUL^R22^OUL_R22 message.
LAB29LAB29-002The Analyzer Manager accepts and registers information, and responds to the Analyzer with the ACK^R22^ACK message.