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LAB28LAB28-003validatedTestable 0 1 The Analyzer SHALL respond to the AWOS Broadcast message with an ORL^O24^ORL_O42 message compliant with table 3.R.5.2-2.180Section 3.R.5.13/7/16 2:23:29 PM by mpattillo
LAB28LAB28-004validatedTestable 0 1 If the OML message contains the Order Control Code NW, as part of the ORL^O34 response, the Analyzer SHALL transmit either Notification of request accepted or Unable to accept order/service for each AWOS contained in the OML message.185Section 3.R.5.33/7/16 2:23:29 PM by mpattillo
LAB28LAB28-005validatedTestable 0 1 If the OML message contains the Order Control Code CA, as part of the ORL^O34 response, the Analyzer SHALL transmit either Cancel as requested or Unable to cancel for each AWOS contained in the OML message.185Section 3.R.5.33/7/16 2:23:29 PM by mpattillo
LAB28LAB28-006validatedTestable 0 1 If the Analyzer Manager retransmits an AWOS or reuses an AWOS ID, the Analyzer SHALL reject the AWOS request by responding with Unable to accept order/service. 185Section 3.R.5.33/7/16 2:23:29 PM by mpattillo
LAB29LAB29-001validatedTestable 0 1 The Analyzer SHALL notify the Analyzer Manager of the test results using the OUL^R22^OUL_R22 message.191Section 3.Y.5.311/18/16 5:24:28 PM by admin
LAWLAW-014validatedTestable 0 1 Systems which claim support of the Laboratory Analytical Workflow (LAW) Profile as an Analyzer must implement the AWOS Status Change (LAB-29) transaction.47Table X.4-13/7/16 10:15:31 AM by aberge